Trezor® Suite®

Trezor Suite is free to use on desktop or browser at Dozens of features to discover. Try Suite now.Enhanced security and privacy, new design and improved Trezor® Suite® | The official

Setting Up Your Trezor Device with Trezor Suite

1. Connect Your Trezor Device: Plug your Trezor hardware wallet into your computer using the USB cable provided.

2. Open Trezor Suite: Launch the Trezor Suite application on your desktop. The app will detect your connected Trezor device.

3. Install Firmware (if necessary): If prompted, follow the instructions to install or update the firmware on your Trezor device.

4. Set Up Your Device: Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your Trezor device. This includes creating a new wallet or restoring an existing one using your recovery seed.

Using Trezor Suite for Crypto Management

1. Access Your Dashboard: Once your device is set up, you will be directed to the Trezor Suite dashboard. Here, you can view your portfolio, check balances, and monitor your transaction history.

2. Send and Receive Cryptocurrencies: To send or receive funds, navigate to the "Send" or "Receive" tabs. Follow the prompts to enter the necessary information and complete your transactions securely.

3. Manage Multiple Accounts: Trezor Suite allows you to manage multiple cryptocurrency accounts within a single interface. Easily switch between accounts to view and manage different assets.

4. Use Advanced Features: Explore advanced features such as setting up passphrases, creating hidden wallets, and integrating with third-party services and dApps.

Security Features

1. Secure Your Recovery Seed: Your recovery seed is crucial for accessing your funds if your device is lost or damaged. Store it in a safe and secure location, and never share it with anyone.

2. Enable Passphrases: For an additional layer of security, consider enabling passphrases on your Trezor device. This feature allows you to create hidden wallets that are only accessible with a unique passphrase.

3. Stay Updated: Regularly update your Trezor Suite software and firmware to ensure you have the latest security features and improvements.

Using Trezor Suite on the Web

1. Visit Trezor Suite Web: Open your web browser and go to the Trezor Suite web interface.

2. Connect Your Device: Connect your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer. The web interface will detect your device and prompt you to enter your PIN.

3. Access Your Accounts: Once logged in, you can access all the features available in the desktop version, including viewing your portfolio, sending and receiving funds, and managing multiple accounts.


Trezor Suite offers a secure and user-friendly platform for managing your cryptocurrency assets on both desktop and web. By following these steps, you can easily set up and start using Trezor Suite to manage your digital assets with confidence. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with Trezor's advanced security features and seamless user experience. Welcome to Trezor Suite - your ultimate tool for desktop and web crypto management!

Last updated